Location – Segunbari VCPC
President - Calvin Horo
Secretary - Elizabeth Ekka
Segunbari village is 49kms away in a remote area from Udalguri a town in Assam, to its North is Nonai Reserve Forest, a tea estate “Orangajuli” in south, Nonaipara TE in East and Kalanadi which flows from Bhutan in the West.
It’s inhabited with variant communities like Boros, Adivasi, Nepalese and Assamese. Its main occupation is paddy cultivation, but due to the increase in men and elephant conflict in the region, the farmers go to the tea plantation to earn daily wages as half of the cultivation is destroyed by the elephants each year.
Maximum villagers are below poverty line, there are a few opportunities for the youths as the education is only at primary level. Therefore many boys and girls migrate to the cities for livelihood while some get trafficked, due to lack of knowledge and proper information most of them end up exploited as the traffickers are involved with the local workers.
In 2016, the project did some awareness programs, advocacy; the village staff could form a Village Child Protection Committee where they maintain a record of all the children to create amongst them awareness on human trafficking and promote education and child rights. Through the project staff the committee was linked with govt-bodies like CWC and DCPU to look forward.
In May 2018, the VCPC of Segunbari could rescue a 7 year old from traffickers; the case was registered in Parnari Police station. The secretary of VCPC was thankful to the project and the staff for their constant support and linkage with CWC and DCPU through which they could rescue the child successfully and give a message of intolerance to the traffickers.
The VCPC members keep visiting the children house to house, encouraging them to study hard, creating awareness on Child Rights; resulting in visible changes in the youth.